After almost four years, and more than 56,000 downloads, Enslaved has been banned from Amazon.
I’m not sure why, because Amazon is not transparent when they do things like this. They just refer you to some vague guideline that gives no helpful information. Several fellow authors have suggested that someone must have complained about it. How else would they be looking at a four-year-old book? Perhaps I should be honored that it was worth their time to complain?
I was planning on pulling Enslaved from Kindle Unlimited next month anyway to make it available at all retailers. I guess I get to do this early.
I’m a bit in shock at this and still trying to get my head wrapped around it. I’m overwhelmed by the love and support shown to me in the Facebook world.
We’ll make it through this. I’m not freaking out… Trying to see it as an opportunity instead of a setback. If nothing else, controversy breeds free publicity, right?
The Complete Story is still for sale. I’ve published Enslaved through Draft2Digital to make it available at iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and other retailers.
I have a suspicion as to what might have been offensive, though it does show that not everyone is a careful reader. Thank God they didn’t read the rest of the story, right? They would have DIED of HORROR had they read what happened to Anna in Book 4!
I will make adjustments to those parts (in the prologue) and resubmit to Amazon. So, Amazon will have an adjusted prologue, but the rest will remain the same…at least that’s my plan.
In the meantime, if you know of anyone who wants to read The Life of Anna, the complete story is still available on Amazon.
You can also download a free copy (mobi or epub) of Enslaved here: Yes, it will ask for an email address for security purposes, but you will only be added to my newsletter subscription if you check the box. I don’t add people to my mailing list without permission.
If you’d like to help out with what I’m calling Enslaved-Gate, give me your email address HERE and I’ll let you know how you can help out once I figure a few things out.
In the meantime…
Don’t forget Master of My Heart releases on Tuesday!! Pre-Orders/Release links will all be available at